
A Sense of Unity& Belonging

At our school, we believe that school uniforms play a vital role in fostering a sense of unity and school spirit among our students. This unity creates a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued.

Key Benefits of School Uniform

  • Develop a sense of unity and school spirit.
  • Enhance self-esteem based on character and achievements, not clothing choices.
  • Prioritising comfort, functionality, and durability for unrestricted movement and safety.
  • Affordable options to alleviate financial burden and promote equality among students.

Shop SchoolUniform

On-site Uniform Shop

Opening hours during term time:

2.00pm - 5.00pm
8.00am - 11.00am
2.00pm - 5.00pm

Contact: Linda Green
Phone: 0472 831 917

The Uniform Shop, is open on selected days during the holidays and before the school year starts. Information on opening hours during breaks times will be updated accordingly.

Online Uniform Shop

To register an account and purchase uniforms through the online uniform shop, simply:

  1. Visit the Online Uniform Shop.
  2. New users Create an Account.
  3. Start the registration process and add the passphrase SJPL1874.
  4. Order the items and choose between the pick-up in store or home delivery option.

Second hand uniforms can be bought and sold via the St Joseph’s School Parent Community Page on Facebook.

Our UniformPolicy


A school uniform plays plays a vital role in promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment at St Joseph’s School. The school uniform policy aims to instil a sense of unity, equality, attractiveness, and discipline among our students. It helps to minimise distractions, maintain a focus on education, and foster a sense of belonging within our school community, while remaining affordable to families.


This uniform policy applies to all students enrolled at St Joseph’s School, regardless of their age, grade level, or personal background. It covers all regular school days, including school-sponsored events and activities held within school premises.



Students are responsible for the following:

  • Students are expected to wear the complete and approved school uniform at all times while on the school premise, between home and school, or engaged in school-related activities.
  • Students are to behave responsibly when they are wearing the school uniform, including outside the school premise.
  • Students must wear the uniform in a neat and well-maintained manner.
  • Uniform items should not be altered, defaced, or adorned with accessories that conflict with the uniform policy.
  • Students are expected to adhere to any safety regulations related to the uniform, such as wearing appropriate footwear.


Parents/Guardian are responsible for the following:

  • Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their child has the necessary uniform items as outlined in the school uniform policy.
  • Parents/guardians should regularly inspect their child's uniform to ensure compliance with the policy and address any issues promptly.
  • Parents/guardians must inform the school of any challenges or concerns related to the uniform policy, including requests for exceptions or accommodations.
  • Parents/guardians will support the school's efforts in enforcing the uniform policy and promoting a positive uniform culture, as agreed upon child’s enrolment.


The school is responsible for the following:

  • The school will establish clear guidelines regarding the acceptable uniform items, colours, and accessories.
  • School staff, including teachers and administrators, will consistently enforce the uniform policy and address any violations promptly and fairly.
  • The school will assess requests for exceptions or accommodations to the uniform policy on a case-by-case basis, taking into account religious, cultural, or individual needs.

Uniform Requirements

School Hat

  • Refer to the school’s SunSmart policy for school hat requirements.

School Bag

  • St Joseph’s school bags are compulsory for all students.

Academic Uniform

  • The academic uniform is to be worn for whole school events or as communicated by the school.

Year 12 Jumpers

  • Year 12 jumpers may be worn by year 12 students as an alternative to school jumpers. Each year the year 12 jumper design must be approved by leadership.


  • Jewellery is not to be worn, except for a pair of studs or small sleepers. An appropriate religious symbol such as a cross is permitted.
  • Make-up must be kept to a minimum, with only light foundation permitted.
  • No fingernail polish or false nails are to be worn at school.
  • All boys are expected to be clean shaven.
  • Navy neck scarfs are permitted to be worn by students, however they are not to be worn during lesson times.


  • Students are required to maintain tidy and clean hair at all times.
  • Students with hair that does not sit above the collar must at all times have their hair tied up or tied back using an approved hair management device.
    • Hair management devices may include hair clips, ribbons, scrunchies and elastic bands.
    • Ribbons and scrunchies must be in the school colours to match the uniform (navy, teal, yellow or white).
    • Haircuts, hair styles or hair colouring which do not comply reasonably with the standards of presentation required by the school are not permitted. Including but not limiting to mohawks, rat tails, extreme haircuts and unnatural hair colours.


  • Approved plain black leather lace-up school shoes must be worn with academic uniform.
  • School shoes are to be cleaned and polished.
  • Sneakers with non-marking soles must be worn with the PE uniform.

Casual Clothes Day

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn on casual clothes days.

Sports Day

  • Physical Education uniform is to be worn.
  • The school house polo shirt may be worn for sports day activities, instead of the standard PE polo.

Reception – Year 2

  • Academic uniform is optional for students, students may wear their sport uniform on any day.


  • Students are required to wear a SJS Preschool polo shirt (see appendix A) together with sun safe clothing that covers as much of the skin as possible. Children’s footwear should be stable and supportive - no thongs, clogs, rubber boots or backless shoes which may cause children to trip, with closed in shoes required. Bucket style hats will be provided at no additional cost.

Enforcement & Compliance

As stated previously, it is the responsibility of students and parents/guardians to ensure compliance with the school uniform.

School staff including teachers and administrators, will monitor and enforce the uniform policy consistently and fairly.

Should a student violate the uniform policy, the school will be guided by the internal levels of support programme on appropriate disciplinary actions. Parents/guardians may be required to collect their child to address uniform standards at the direction of leadership.

Uniform Shop

The school’s uniform shop information, including opening times can be found here.


Should the uniform committee endeavour to implement a change to the school’s uniform requirements, the committee will:

Determine the significance of the uniform change as either moderate or significant.

  • Moderate changes - may be implemented with the consultation and approval of the Principal, the Principal will determine if the change is significant and therefore will also require approval by the School Board.
  • Significant changes - are to be approved by both the school Principal and the School Board.

Any amendments or updates to the policy will be communicated to students, parents/guardians, and staff in a reasonable and timely manner.


This school uniform policy will be reviewed annually.

Related Policies

Sun Smart Policy.


You may view Preschool, Primary, and Secondary Uniforms here.

Lost Property

Lost property is located in the school office. We kindly ask parents to ensure that their child's belongings are clearly labeled to minimise the risk of items being lost.