
School BusInformation

    St Joseph’s School students have access to our school operated bus service to Tumby Bay; to public Department for Education buses and to the local town bus service operated by ‘Tunarama Coach Lines’.

    Department for Education

    Primary and Secondary students from St Joseph’s school who reside 5 km or more by the shortest practical route from the nearest government school have a right to use existing DfE bus services.

    Students are picked up and dropped off at the Port Lincoln Junior Primary School.

    In the morning students make their own way to school utilising supervised road safety crossings. In the afternoon St Joseph’s students wait for the Bus Duty teacher outside of the GP Room. From here they are escorted to the Port Lincoln Junior Primary School. The Bus Duty teacher stays until they have boarded safely before leaving.

    Travel is coordinated through the Port Lincoln Primary School. It is essential that you complete an application form for your child/ren to guarantee a seat for the school year. Once an application form has been submitted, confirmation of travel will be sent to you by the School Bus Coordinator. Please confirm with the Port Lincoln Primary School for the annual fee. All fees associated with this service will be on charged to the individual families. The application form can be located below.

    Tumby Bay Bus Service

    A daily bus service operates between Tumby Bay and Port Lincoln, providing convenient transport for students enrolled at the school. The service includes multiple stops along the route, catering to families in Tumby Bay and surrounding districts. Below, you will find information about the stops, times, and bus fares by stop and for each child. A link to the Application for Bus Travel is also provided for families to secure their child/ren’s place on the bus.

    Bus Fare by Stop and Number of Children
    1 - 2 Children
    3 - 4 Children
    Stop 1
    Tumby Bay
    Stop 2
    4025 Lincoln Highway
    Stop 3
    Bailla Hill Rd
    Stop 4
    North Shields
    Bus Stops and Timetable
    Bus Stops

    Stops 1-5

    Click the numbers to view the bus stops.

    Stop 1

    Tumby Bay Town Oval
    Depart 7.35am
    Return 4.20pm

    Stop 2

    'Collandra' 4025 Lincoln Highway
    Depart 7.45am
    Return 4.10pm

    Stop 3

    Bailla Hill Road
    Depart 7.55am
    Return 4.00pm

    Stop 4

    Northshields (Wheatsheaf Hotel)
    Depart 8.10am
    Return 3.30pm

    Stop 5

    St Joseph's School
    Arrival 8.30am
    Depart 3.25pm

    Rural Bus Service

    The public Department for Education school bus service supports St Joseph’s families in the first instance with travel for secondary students living five or more kilometres from the nearest state school. Where space permits allowances may be made for primary aged students.

    Families will need to collect an application form from the Front Office at the commencement of each year for their child/ren.

    Buses are available to: Charlton Gully, Coffin Bay, Fishery Bay, Greenpatch, Tod River and Endeavour Heights

    An administration fee per student applies to this service and will be invoiced to parents annually.

    Town Bus Service

    The town bus service is operated by Tunarama Coach Lines. For further details please contact them direct on (08) 8682 4060.

    Please note: Bus services do not run on Catastrophic Fire Warning days.

    Subsidised Transport Costs for School Buses

    Catholic Education South Australia continues to work with State Government to enable equitable access to school buses for children attending Catholic schools in regional South Australia.

    Families who access a school-managed bus service and who reside more than 5km from their nearest regional Catholic school will receive a subsidy worth 60% of the annual cost of accessing the school bus, thanks to a grant from the government.

    Our school will ensure that any family who has students attending this school who qualify for the bus subsidy will receive this discount.

    Wherever possible, funding will also be allocated to address issues that may exist for individual families in order to support their children in accessing transport to and from school.

    Existing arrangements will continue for any children who currently access government school buses.

    We hope that this confirmation of continued subsidy support, together with recent Catholic Education SA commitments to make Catholic schooling more affordable and accessible to all, will be well received.