Vocational Education& Training

Flexible IndustryPathways

Flexible Industry Pathways (FIPs) within Vocational Education and Training (VET) offer students a unique opportunity to align their education with real-world industry needs. These subsidised courses, provide a bridge from Year 11 or 12 to potential traineeships, apprenticeships, or entry-level jobs.

Supported by the SA Government, subsidised Flexible Industry Pathways (FIPs) courses not only open doors to diverse career avenues but also pave the way for students to seamlessly transition into traineeships, apprenticeships, or secure entry-level positions post-graduation.

To embark on this transformative journey, students demonstrate their commitment through the VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO), showcasing their preparation by:

  • Providing evidence that they have completed some form of relevant preparation prior to applying to study the FIP VET course.
  • Successfully undertaking a literacy and numeracy assessment called an Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN).

As part of their SACE, students can complete Vocational Education and Training (VET) within the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). The SACE Board’s recognition arrangements enable students to build meaningful pathways in the SACE through VET, including:

  • Recognition of completed qualifications.
  • Recognition of partly completed qualifications (for which a student has completed one or more units of competency).

The SACE Board acknowledges any VET listed on the training.gov.au website, certified on a transcript, statement of attainment, or qualification issued by a registered training organization (RTO). The SACE program empowers students to include a significant amount of VET in their studies, with the potential to gain recognition for up to 150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed VET.

Senior student working on vehicle

VET for TertiaryEntrance

VET plays a crucial role in tertiary entrance for both universities and TAFE. South Australian universities, TAFE SA, and Charles Darwin University (Northern Territory) have collectively established that Recognised Studies, which encompass VET, may contribute to an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) and a TAFE SA Selection Score.

For completed VET qualifications to be considered Recognised Studies, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Certificate III level (or higher) in the AQF (Australian Quality Framework)
  • Recognition in the SACE at Stage 2 for at least 10 credits

It’s important to note that Recognised Studies, including VET, can contribute a maximum of 20 credits to an ATAR and/or a TAFE SA Selection Score. However, students must also fulfill all other university entrance criteria to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of their qualifications.

School BasedApprenticeships/Traineeships

School BasedApprenticeships& Traineeships

The training undertaken during your School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) can contribute towards your South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). This distinctive program allows you to blend Vocational Education and Training (VET) with practical work experience while progressing through your SACE.

School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships are widely esteemed by employers, offering students a valuable pathway to seamlessly transition from school to employment, pursue additional training, or further their education at a higher level. This holistic approach prepares students for a well-rounded future in various professional fields.

Students holding their qualification certificates