Fees &Payment

Fee Schedule &Payment Information

As a Josephite School, in the tradition of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we believe that all students should have an equal opportunity to access Catholic education if they wish. We strive to ensure our fees are affordable to enable inclusive, quality schooling.

Upon enrolling children in the school, parents and caregivers acknowledge their responsibility for their children’s fees during their time at the school. It is a requirement that this commitment be upheld.

Should you have any questions or require assistance with your payment plan, please contact our Finance Team on (08) 8683 2400 or accounts@sjspl.catholic.edu.au.


Generous discounts are given to families with two or more children currently attending the School, including zero fees for fourth and subsequent children in the same family.
School Card
Families eligible and approved for School Card will receive a 75% reduction on their Tuition Fee. For families who may not be eligible for School Card but still require financial assistance, the school will collaborate with them to find a suitable solution.
Early Payment
Full fee paying families who opt to pay their entire year fees by the end of February will qualify for the 5% Tuition Fee discount. All previous outstanding amounts must be paid to qualify for the discount.
Financial Assistance
The School works with families on an individual basis in a spirit of compassion and understanding when difficulties arise. For more information see Financial Assistance & Support below.

Financial Assistance& Support

Families can apply for financial assistance if they are facing financial hardships, have extenuating circumstances or if their financial situation has changed significantly. If this is the case, we invite you to complete the Financial Assistance Form, accompanied by a letter outlining the reasons for the application. Assistance may be offered in a variety of ways, including fee reduction or extension of time for payment. All applications are considered on an individual basis in the strictest of confidence.

Students happily working on laptops in class